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Old 09-15-2009, 11:34 AM   #12
68 TT
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Re: Glock's new project: "Fred"

Originally Posted by glock35ipsc View Post
My 03 Tahoe is a flex fuel rig and I run it when ever I have the chance. With the stock GM tune it loses a little mpg but otherwise you notice no difference. I just wish it was more common around here.

We only have one station within 100 miles of here but fortunately it is only 10 miles from my house. Down side is that it is on the opposite side of town from me and I don't go that direction very often. I thought about just getting a fuel drum and fueling up at home that way I only had to make the trip over there once every couple weeks to refill the drum.

If you could run E85 all the time you could build and tune the engine to take advantage of the 105 octane and really see the benefits of it. I know people running massive amounts of boost on E85 and building some insane power numbers with it.

A friend of mine has a twin turbo 5.0 liter running E85 and the thing runs 144 mph trap speeds in the quarter.

I plan on making my 68 Camaro a dedicated E85 vehicle instead of running race gas when I convert it to EFI.
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