Thread: My new truck!
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Old 09-21-2009, 10:51 PM   #19
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Midland, TX
Posts: 29
Re: My new truck!

Thanks everyone for the welcomes and the advice.

Brian, I got it running shortly after draining the tank, blowing the lines out, and adding new fuel. Funny thing was I had to charge the battery all day, then had to jump it off on top of the charged battery as it only wanted to turn over like one round before it bogged down on the battery alone. Once I hooked up my dd it turned over very nicely.

Prior to the madden voyage I checked the brakes and filled the master cylinder. The madden voyage consisted of me pulling out onto the road with brakes, driving half a block to a stop sign, coasting thru the stop sign (without any brakes) with my teeth clenched as well as another body part (but we will not go into that), then turning around and driving it or coasting it back to my home where I parked it (and cleaned out my shorts).

Looks like brakes are next on the list. LOL

Also I live in Andrews not Midland, I always put Midland, because no one ever knows where Andrews is at and I always tell them that I am 45 miles from Midland and 30 miles from Odessa.

Thanks for the offer for the manuals though.
1970 C20 Longbed 307 CID 3 speed


Last edited by OldBlue70C20; 09-21-2009 at 10:58 PM.
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