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Old 09-22-2009, 09:10 PM   #1
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1406 carb on 383

I put this in the CO section cause there are many that dont have the altitude like we do to deal with but I didnt get a response, so my question is if anyones running a 1406 carb on a 383 stroker and if so what jet rod combo are you using, the reason I ask is that I leaned out my 1406 with .95 pri and .92 sec (#7) on edel graph, it ran alot better than the stock .95/.98 which was a little rich for the altitude but that was on my stock 350, this week (hopfully) the 383 will be in and I was wondering if it needs to run richer than the 350, incase you are wondering the rest of the goodies are EPS intake, hei, hed headers, dual flowmaster,
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