sorry I missed all this guys
Originally Posted by locab36
I'm doing the power door conversion right now. I drilled the holes in my non-power doors/cab today. Doors are off, fenders are on. The dimples from the factory sure help out. Here are some pics.
Very nice....did you complete it?
I just swapped my '80 to a '73-'74 front end and to my suprise there where dimples where I needed to drill...I was quite happy...takes all the guess work out
Originally Posted by factory2wdblazer's
i recently did a power door conversion also. i used the complete door's off a 90 blazer and cut the top's off so the would my 73 blazer. i only have the harrness from the door jam's back...........from what i under stand i need a relay or some thing???? i did not remove the door's off the 90 blazer so i don't know how they where hooked up.....any body know
did you get this figured out?
Originally Posted by Twisted78SS
For anyone interested, I have what appears to be a complete power door lock and power window setup I am looking to part with.
I'll put it in the for sale area on Friday once I get some pictures.
(sorry to tread on your thread..)
did you sell the stuff?