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Old 10-07-2009, 11:15 PM   #5
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Re: vibration.........from where?????

thanks for the replies, but does anyone know why it would go away and come back.

and could it be caused by a misfire???
I forgot to mention that my tach starts jumping around after 3000 (it's varying by 200-400 rpm), normally it's steady.
OR is it causing a misfire???

on a side note, i took it to my machininst yesterday to because I had a noise like a loose rocker arm (I lost an almost-new engine to an over-tightened rocker arm--I'm a little paranoid sometimes), turned out I had an exhaust leak, but he also said that the motor had a misfire, he told me to do a compression test on it first, and if that looked good, to start checking my iginition system. the problem started on the way home today, after I got home I changed the oil and checked compression on all 8 cylinders, and got 210psi on each.
-- Josh

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