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Old 10-08-2009, 12:37 PM   #10
Classic Heartbeat
Project Junkie! Fishing Poor!!
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Re: vibration.........from where?????

My first Blazer had a vibration when I purchased it because it had a small block 400 in it and the previouse owner installed a 350 harmonic ballancer.
The second time it happened I was down on the Cowletz river on an icy cold winter day steelhead fishing. I drove down there without issues, but when I started it up to return home all hell broke loose!! My engine was vibrating so bad I thought it was going to jump out of the engine compartment!!! I revved the engine up a couple of times seeing if it would clear up and when it didn't I figured I was in for a large tow bill. I went out to see if I could figure out what happened. I popped open the hood and to my suprize there was what looked like bits and pieces of spider webs under my hood, only the web had color to it. It smelled realy bad too!! I scratched my head while I was looking at all this stuff all under my hood, when I looked up toward my fan (witch was hidden by the shroud of coarse) there was a cat woven in and out of my fan blades!! I'll spare you the goary details, but let me tell you it wasn't easy relieving my fan of it.

The third time it happened it turned out to be the flywheel. It had cracked and at certain rpms would vibrate the engine. WES
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Last edited by Classic Heartbeat; 10-08-2009 at 06:48 PM.
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