Re: Old debate 700r4 200r4 new opinions?
I have had a 700R4 in my last '68 with 4.11 gears. Honestly, unless I was trying to tow a house, first gear sucked. It, combined with the 4.11's, made it way too tall. I could light the tires up without any effort or trying. Gets tiring when you just want to briskly accellerate and not smoke the tires from a light.
Now my '98 (4L60E but same ratios as a 700) has 3.08 gears and first is fine. With that rear end though, I rarely use OD any place other than the freeway.
If I was looking to put another tranny into my current '68, it would be a 200R4 hands down. Because the ratios are about the same as a TH350/400, your 1-3 gears will be exactly like you have now. The benefit is now you have OD. The OD with 4.11's is a great help at keeping mileage up and engine wear down, by spinning less RPM's. The 200 really doesn't change the feel compared to what you have now outside of the extra gear.
As for strength, out of the box, both have their flaws and problems. The GN version of the 200 is most likely the strongest of that series and the last couple years of the 700 are the best of those. In any case, a good tranny shop that deals with either one, can build them very strong to hold up to 400 HP without going major $$$. The key is finding the right shop.
Again, my vote is for the 200R4 and start researching Grand National forums/sites to find who out there is building the best 200's.
Hope that helps.