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Old 10-30-2009, 01:28 PM   #8
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Re: Figuring out shift linkage for automatic

I don't know what the different length rod means on stock components. I put a 700r in a 2wd blazer and used the stock bracket. It took a couple of extra holes to mount it in the frame. EverYthing worked correctly but when the column shift was in first gear the shifter was way down in my lap. the indicator was way off also.
Just finished using a street rod kit from Kugel Komponents to run a straight shift arm from the column to the trans with no frame bracket. It has a shorter throw between detents on the column and first is now where it should be. The entire assembly is much cleaner and pivot points are much tighter than before.
It seems like the Kugel kit was for sale at one of the older truck parts supplier websites. I got mine with the longer arm straight from Kugel.
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