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Old 10-31-2009, 08:30 PM   #11
VA72C10's Avatar
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Location: Midlothian, VA
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Re: How do you feel about after market body panels?

I've had two NOS gates and two of the repops with the lettering. IMHO the repops are better than the NOS gates. The welds are cleaner including the spot welds. Looking in the recessed area of an NOS gate and you'd need a ton of mud to hide the spot welds. On the repop they're almost smooth already. They weigh within an ounce of each other and the metal thickness looks identical.

That being said, there was a time several years ago that the Repop gates were junk so be careful if you're buying a used repop. Especially the ones w/out the lettering. But even those are better now according to many that have used them on this site.

The final comment is if you are going for a 100 point resto, go with NOS parts because things like the look of the spot welds make a difference...but how many of us are doing that? I'm doing a complete frame-off, but it's a resto-mod so I don't care...and I'm cutting up my gate.
Looking for a 67-72 swb or blazer project in or around VA.
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