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Old 11-22-2009, 11:46 PM   #18
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: Funky problem solved by royal purple

Originally Posted by mikajo39 View Post
I've been having what I thought was timing issues with my new engine, couldn't get it advanced enough or it'd ping and I'd have to retard it to where it would have full throttle hesitations for it to run on the freeway without detonation. It was frustrating to say the least. I hit the 500 mile mark, and I was supposed to change my oil. So I change the oil and its kinda dark but nothing bad (when I was puttin the engine in i was running low on funds so i bought some cheap conventional oil). I run to kragens get a new filter and decided to bite the bullet and use royal purple.
After the oil change I fire her up and I'm totally dumbfounded. No WOT hesitation, runs smoother, and doesn't even ping! I have never had a oil change fix so much stuff for me. I celebrated by leaving some nice tire marks down the street
Looks like I'm using RP from here on out. Anybody else ever use RP?
This can happen if you use high Zinc content oils on new motors and old motors with blow by or new cross hashing in the cylinders. Zinc get into the chamber and causes the detonation as it ignites the fuel mixture. Synthetic oils use other anti-oxidents than high zinc count so thats why you solved the issue by changing the oil. I would change your plugs now as well.
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