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Old 11-28-2009, 12:59 AM   #1
>130dB Moderator
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Finally ordered new wheels

There comes a time in every car guy's life where he must cast aside a beloved part for one reason or another...

This is nothing like that...

A couple weeks ago I went to replace the brake hoses on my truck with shiny new stainless braided lines and what should have been a two hour job turned into a three day nightmare. The main reason was those dam slot mags that everyone seems to love so much. This will be the last time that these wheels will get in my dam way, waste my time, or otherwise annoy the hell out of me (f*%^ing uni-lugs...)

I rdered a new set of Cragar Street Pro 390's to replace them. These shouldn't give me nearly as many problems, headaches, or other side effects like excessive swearing.

So say good-bye to the old and hello to the new...

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