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Old 11-28-2009, 09:54 PM   #13
>130dB Moderator
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Re: Finally ordered new wheels

If I could afford to buy all new tires as we, I would have gone with 17's, but I just couldn't justify the additional money spent. The only reason I'm getting these new ones is because the wheels I currently have cause alot of problems when taking them on/off. They have an oblong hole for the stud to go through and its VERY easy to crossthread the lug nut and not even know it. Because of this, I've had to replace 3 wheel studs, which takes time, trips to Autozone, and adds frustration. It also can take 10 minutes or more to attach a single wheel...

I tried to order a set with the grey centers, but the only company that I know carried them (online) was having some serious issues with their site and I couldn't order them. I plan to do some custom powdercoating to them so they will look like this;

These really are just piece of mind if you will; I know that with these wheels that I won't have to spend a ton of extra time fitting and fixing...
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