Thread: Heater Fan
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Old 12-07-2009, 12:24 AM   #1
Mike Quillici
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Location: Sacramento, CA
Posts: 161
Heater Fan

I replaced the heater fan today, and while I had it disconnected, I checked the voltage on the connecting wire. Out of the four positions for the fan speed indicator, one results in 0 V, two generate ~12 V, and one yields ~7 V. The fan is only operational in two of the four positions. If I remember correctly, "Hi" is the position that yields ~7 V. What could be causing this? Could the switch be defective? Incidentally, the third bolt on the hood hinge is an absolute pain in the butt to get out. Is there an easier way to deal with that about which I was not aware?

Also, how often do the heater control valves, which control coolant flow into the heater core go bad? Regardless of whether or not vacuum is applied, I can't seem to get it to open and get warm coolant into the heater core. If I have to replace it, it's only a $20 part at Autozone.

Thanks all.
1972 Chevy C-10 ~ 188,000 miles give or take
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