Thread: Faded paint
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Old 12-07-2009, 09:35 PM   #75
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Re: Faded paint

In IMO, an 100% original vehicle should resemble the way it looked when sold at the dealership, minus normal wear and tear, weathering and replacement of maintainence items. Major componets should be of "date of manufacture" .All period correct accessories are fine, such as larger mirrors or extra fuel tanks doors, which are very common during the era. The dictionary defines original as:" belonging or pertaining to the orgin or beginning of something or to a thing at its beginning." I am not going to split hairs over decals, spark plugs or original radiator hoses, but rally or wagon wheels were never installed by the factory during the 67 thru 72 era. Some of us want to see historically correct vehicles when someone asks for 100% original.
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