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Old 12-08-2009, 02:05 PM   #12
John Gilbert
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Location: Placentia, California
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Re: What kind of Oil for Air tools?

Here's a late addition: Some of my air-tools I've had since '71, I got my impact gun in '76 its one of the first Japanese made CPs , and all I ever done was make sure there was some kind of oil squirted in before I used them. 3-N-1 oil, WD-40, 5-30 synthetic, Royal Purple Maxfilm, Marvel oil, (one of my all time favorite oils). Yeah, I know I'm probably wrong, but they still work, so I guess I'm not too far off. I think the key is to keep them oiled with any light vis oil, and not run 'em dry... That's my crummy tech tip for the day.
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