Originally Posted by fletch4x4
Hey man, its Kevin I met you over the summer at Penland. Good to see ya workin on the truck. Im down in Tenn now at the Appalachian Center for Craft blowing glass, how have you been?
I've been well, busy but well. I'm always doing something to the truck (Gus) although very little of it has been worthy of posts and pics, ya know? Battery cable terminals, fuel filters, etc. the stuff that you have to do, but no one wants to see or hear about. Still doing body work, etc. to the front end I picked up while you were here. Hopefully a nice day in early spring will see GUS get his new front end, finally!!!
I didn't know that you blew glass, or maybe I forgot? That's great man, drop me some images and let me see what you're making over there!!!