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Old 12-14-2009, 10:37 AM   #7
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Re: Frame Repair -- NEED HELP!

Having spent over 40+ years in the autobody trade I would recommend you search out a reputable autobody shop preferably one with "older" frame equipment the reason for "older" frame equipment since most vehicles of recent manufacture do not have frames they are unibody construction and therefore many shops will not be equipped to handle this type of repair. A qualified shop can set this frame up on a frame rack just as you have it stripped no need to reassemble it , hang the tram gauges on it and procedure with the repair also an older shop will have frame dimension manuals but I would copy the frame diagram previously posted and have it with you when you find a shop to do the repair. As a side note one of the shops I worked in used "Chief" E-Z liners if I'm recalling the brand name correctly and they were one of the premiere frame machines of the time. Hope this is of some help and good luck with your endeavor!
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