Thread: 700r4 troubles
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Old 12-20-2009, 04:03 PM   #1
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700r4 troubles

Hey people...I am having trouble with my 89 700r4 trans.I Installed it on a 63 c10 with a 350 sb. It has an edelbrock carburator.My trans seems to go into first fairly easily and hesitates to go in to second.Third and fourth I have not felt kick in.Any ideas?I also wired a kit from Bowtie Owverdrives that consists of an ignition 12 v source and a brake switch to cut the 12 v to the trans.I believe my tv cable is adjusted Properly.When the truck is off....wide open throttle the tv cable is pulled out completly..Is that correct? I was told that my truck needed tunning also. The truck seems to hesitate when I hit the pedal...I dont want to burn up the tranny if thats the problem...Any ideas ? thanks
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