Thread: 4x4 help
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:31 PM   #15
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Re: 4x4 help

Originally Posted by big10ratrod77 View Post
hey guys a ran across a deal down the road and im gonna get it its a 84 chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 with a 350 and 700r4 for 500 bucks.ide like to know a little bout these trucks first
BTW i know nothing bout four wheel drves
1.first off whas the 80's 350s as reliable as the older 350s?
2 are these trucks full time 4 wheel drive?
3.what was the stock tire size?(i want to put it back stock)
4. what would be some good mods to do to get more power but not tear up enything?(axles and all that othe stuff ive heard horror storys at school bout built engines and stock axles) can you tell what the gears on the axles are?
6. whats the difference between 4 high and 4 low?
7. and if you bought a truck and it had been siting for bout a year what fluids should be changed?
1) i've found my 86 350 4 barrel to be tougher than a bag of hammers
2) it depends on if thats an option the person who bought it wanted, if it is full time and you'd like to have locking hubs, you can change it over. my 79 4x4 has a NP203 with locking hubs.
3) i believe they had 235's or 245's, thats what my 87 chev 4x4 had on it
4) i'd start with exhaust, headers especially, good plugs and wires, then maybe a cam
5)if you take off the diff. covers, there will be numbers stamped on them, one number is the # of teeth on the ring gear, and the other the number on the pinion, so, if theres 41 on the ring gear, and 10 on the pinion, divide the ring gear # by the pinion #, which = 4.10:1 ( 41/10- 4.10)
6) 4 low is basically lower sped, if you wanna pull something or climb something, 4 low is the way to go, where as if your just driving on snowy roads or through a woods raod, 4 high is the way to go.
7) oil, and gas.. housing fluids should be fine, maybe trans fluid if its automatic.
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