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Old 01-08-2010, 11:55 PM   #2
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: Snow Chains on a Dually?

ok let me help you out drive it to the gravle pit and tell the guy to load it with 800 lbs

what you want to do will work BUT it WILL tear up the fender to start then when they get loose ( and they will) it will tear up the once you have fought to get them on and your unstuck then the fun can only drive up to 35 MPH and thats on a GOOD set of chains....and then you should only go a few miles on them.....once spring is here then you can go buy new tires since the side walls are all cut up

the other thing you can do is remove the inner wheel and run it as a reg truck it looks goofy but works..another thought is to go buy a cheap recap snow tire for the winter yea reacp...they have come a long way and most big trucks run them on the drive axle

hope this helps yea
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