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Old 01-09-2010, 12:14 AM   #3
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Re: Snow Chains on a Dually?

Thanks for the info,

I had never heard of a recap tire, but a google search led the way so I'll call around tommorow about getting 4 recap snow tires for the rear. Most of my driving is in the city so the speed thing wouldn't be terrible..and I'd probably only be using them 3 or 4 times this year(I'm guessing max..not like DC got much snow when I was younger) but I definitely wouldn't want it killing my tires.

It's just so embarassing having a huge long bed dually and constantly getting stuck in regular parking spots while FWD cars are zipping in and out with ease.

The gravel one is a good idea but I'm a carpenter and need the bed for plywood, trim, tablesaw, etc.. could build a platform with the gravel under it but I have a gangbox in the bed too already taking up space.
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