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Old 01-13-2010, 03:27 PM   #1
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Noises coming from throwout bearing..

Its a '69 with a 3 speed column shift. I just replaced the clutch, plate and throwout bearing 6 months ago. The throwout bearing is making a grumbling, growling type of sound. you can also feel it throught the clutch pedal.
The old throwout bearing made the same type of noises, but not as much as the newer bearing.
My first thought was the clutch adjsutment was wrong. However, it doesnt seem to change the problem no matter where I adjust the clutch. The noise only happens when I am engaging/disengaging the clutch.

Has anyone experienced this before or know what is causing the bearing to do that?

Last edited by dznucks; 01-13-2010 at 03:29 PM.
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