Thread: Steering Issues
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Old 01-13-2010, 08:18 PM   #12
I dun gradjiated collij!!!
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Re: Steering Issues

I just went through this on my '68.

As CDowns and the other stated, center your pitman arm parallel with the frame. Do not let it move, from there adjust your tierod ends to get the wheels straight with a slight 1/16" toe in. This is accomplished by loosening both clamps on the adjusting sleeves and either screwing the tie rods in or out depending on your needs.

Once that is all good, then pop your steering wheel off and put it back on straight...this might take some additional time and effort but it is the only way to get it all lined up properly.

Once you are done with the above I would suggest taking it in for a pro alignment....

Hope that helps
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