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Old 01-14-2010, 11:06 AM   #8
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Re: Noises coming from throwout bearing..

Originally Posted by dznucks View Post
There is about an inch and a half of free play before the bearing contacts the clutch fingers. There is no noise while the clutch is engaged at idle or while driving. It doesnt make the noise every time i hit the clutch. its more prone to do it while i am downshifting or manuevering (sp?) in dirveway/parking lot. it doesnt seem to make the noise at any specific point in the clutch travel either. it doesnt do it at the top or bottom of the pedal travel but it does it sporatically in the middle of the clutch pedal travel.

My first thought was that is was another bad throwout bearing. but it didnt make sense that it started back making the same noise not long after installing the new clutch. I tore up my transmission last summer and installed a new transmission, the new clutch including the pilot bushing. The only thing that remained the same was the bellhousing and clutch fork assembly.

I am not ruling out a bad bearing. How does a pilot bushing go bad? Worn out?
How far front to back should the pivot ball move? Could something in the clutch fork assembly be bad causing this? i dont want to take the transmision out unless i have too.

Thanks for the help guys.

I had a guy do a clutch for me a while back. 2 weeks later, all hell was breaking loose so I brought it back to him. He cracked the pilot bushing when he was installing it. So that is a possibility of what could go wrong.
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