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Old 01-14-2010, 07:36 PM   #1
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Re: Noises coming from throwout bearing..

I havent ruled out the throw out bearing yet either. but if it is the throw out bearing, why have two bearing gone bad the same way? Why did this bearing go out so soon? Then, what is the bigger problem causing the bearings to go bad? Same question if its the pilot bushing thats the problem.

I dont want to tear it down, again, replacing the throw out bearing and pilot bushing, just to have it go back to doing the same thing. i am getting a repetitive problem with clutch replacements, that is telling me that the problem is not in the clutch itself. Something else is causing them to go bad.

the grease and dowel trick didnt work on the previous bushing. i really had to drive that one in, i knew it wasnt coming out without a fight. however the new bushing will pop out with the grease and a dowel.
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