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Old 01-28-2010, 11:47 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Tucson
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Re: So I thought I scored some buddy buckets...

But you did! They don't fit now but making them fit will take you only a half day to make a pattern, transfer it to some flat sheet, cut it out and either weld it or get someone to do it for you. Cut a piece of white card stock about 6 in wide and about an inch longer than the distance front to back between the mounting holes in your floor. Remove the carpet from your cab and place the seats where they should go to give the correct sitting position with the holes in the brackets the same distance from the mounting holes in your floor on both sides. Slip the card stock under your seat mounts and position the stock so it also covers the.holes in your floor with about 1/4 to 1/2 in overlap on each side of the holes. Punch an awl through the cardstock and into the mounting holes then run your mounting bolts and washers through the card and into the mounting holes in your cab floor to hold it in place. Do this on both ends of the seat. When both sides are done, make sure the seat is still correctly lined up and trace the outline of the bottom of the seat bracket on the card stock and mark the location of the mounting holes for the seat brackets. Now you have a card pattern for a plate which gets trimmed and welded to your seat brackets that absolutely fits your floor! If you drill out the holes marked on the card for the seat brackets you can bolt the plates to the brackets to hold them exactly aligned when they are welded. It's a very fiddly job but 20 bucks worth of 10 gauge plate saves the investment you have in your seats. Not to mention that there are new aftermarket covers for those seats...when you need them.
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