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Old 02-05-2010, 01:27 PM   #1
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Grandfathers 1972 Cheyenne 4x4

Not sure if this is the correct place for this thread .Hey guys I thought I would try searching for my grandfathers truck on here. It was a 1972 Cheyenne 3/4 ton 4 speed 4x4 he bought it brand new in '72 two tone metallic brown or I guess maybe burnt orange color and white all original had approximately 92,000 miles on it when he sold it in 1989/1990 he lived in San Diego California if I remember correctly the guy that bought it lived in Oceanside California.He sold the truck for $5000.00,couple things I remember about the truck was the 4 wheel drive shifter knob was wooden chevrolet spelled out in chrome on the top of it,he had a white truck bed toolbox on it,fifth wheel hitch,and a wooden bed. It had the complete Cheyenne package, 3 fuel tanks and I believe the 4 speed shifter was chrome.Any way probably a long shot but figured I would see if anyone had seen it,owned it, bought it,restored it,or wanted to sell it.I might be able to post some pictures shortly.

Last edited by murfs70; 02-05-2010 at 02:57 PM.
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