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Old 02-23-2010, 12:22 PM   #6
1970 Daily Driver
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Re: Brake Issue, Passenger Rear Brake Frozen on Take-off

Well I pulled things apart again for the third time last week and saw nothing wrong for a second time. I went ahead and cleaned everything up good and put a new spring kit in and beveled the edge on the brake pad. It seemed to be better for awhile but after her first long drive I parked her and in the morning she was locked up more than before. Now the lockup doesn’t seem to release and that same passenger side gets very hot in a hurry. I am going to take her apart again tonight to see if I am missing something. This is driving me crazy, when I open it up nothing seems to be wrong. The adjusted moves freely, as well as the cylinder.

Is there something that could be causing it to over adjust?????? Any ideas would be appreciated!
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