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Old 02-26-2010, 12:33 AM   #1
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Mounting a Square-Bore Carb (Edelbrock) on "hot slot" manifold

So I'm rebuilding the carb that came with my truck, a Carter AFB, probably 600CFM. I pulled it off and the first problem was the spacer. It uses this kind:
Which is a spread-to-square adapter, upside down! Will this work? The fact that the gasket on bottom was not cut to match the adapter tipped me off.

But the real purpose of this thread is that upon researching about the adapter I came across this post:

Which basically says that my manifold (stock '68) will pretty much destroy my carb. The "hot box" port was totally clogged so I cleaned it out. That clog was probably saving the carb. Has anyone plugged these? What do I need in order to do so?

Should I save my dinero and keep the upside-down adapter or get one like this:
Four-Hole Square-Bore to Spread-Bore Carburetor... Four-Hole Square-Bore to Spread-Bore Carburetor...
Many thanks in advance! I am hoping to have this truck running tomorrow, but it seems like I keep running into "WTF who did that" moments.
1968 LWB C20 / AC / Wood Bed

Last edited by crakarjax; 02-26-2010 at 12:34 AM.
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