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Old 03-09-2010, 12:15 PM   #1
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Posts: 14
Lifting a Lowered Truck

The search engine isn't working for me. So I will ask the question.

I purchased a '67 SWB that was already lowered. Last year when i started driving it the front tires were rubbing on the inner fender wells, so I put smaller tires on the front to fix this. It has long headers on it that go under the front crossmember, now I find that the collector part of the headers when I drive over any dip in the road or speed bump rub the ground.(actually broke a bolt) There is about 2-3" of clearance as it sits. Is there any low dollar way to fix this.

I know I can change the exhaust but I would actually like to lift it a couple inches. Would different springs work?

The pic doesn't do it justice, it is lower than the picture looks. The bumper hits the ground when backing out of the driveway onto the road.
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