Thread: Edelbrock C4B
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:17 AM   #4
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Re: Edelbrock C4B

Originally Posted by OhOneWS6 View Post
If you can do brakes you can do an intake. If your truck is running good now I would focus on getting the old water neck off and heli-coil the stripped hole. Chances are pretty good you will need to do some work to that Edelbrock carb from the looks of it. If the HEI is from the same place I bet it will need some work too. You can buy a new HEI from Skip White for less than it will cost you to tune up that old HEI.

Just my .02
x2 on the above.

That intake new is only a little over a 100$. the problem with used intakes is you never know what your getting into till you try to tighten a bolt down. Chances are he left the carb on it because one of the carb bolts is stripped and rigged to stay in place. thats what i normally find on older aluminum intakes.
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