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Old 03-22-2010, 09:16 PM   #8
Redefining LowBudget
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Re: concerete guys step up

3/8 wire is planty on a 4" slab the bar around the out side is a good idea can get 1/2" bar and bend it on the ball of your truck where it needs to be bent....besure to go at least 3 feet around the corned and over lap about a foot or so and tie it together

alot is going to depend on what type of building your going to put on it

I would recomend at least a couple rows of blocks this will keep the water from spalshing up and rotting the sills..also will give you some ceiling height..and allow you to wash the inside floor without wetting the walls
1970 C10 CST fleetside 472 ....big dreams little cash...
SunShine Syndicate..

Mikes Sandwich Fair Run OCT 8th 2011
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