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Old 03-25-2010, 06:48 PM   #6
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Re: Quadra-Jet Question? Help Please!

A good operating quadrajet is hard to beat. I have a one and will never use another carb.

if you rebuild it, get a rebuild kit from Cliff's High Performance. they carry every bit you could possibly need including bronze bushings for where the throttle shafts ride in the body. Edelbrock carries hi-po parts for q-jets also, but Cliff's has more stuff together in the kit rather than buying seperately. the best improvements over stock are the better float and especially the shortened accelerator pump that allows for quicker reaction time and less chance of fuel starvation at sudden throttle jabs.....not that i've ever had a problem. don't forget to file down the ends of the screws on the throttle blades. they are split once installed to keep them in and they come out hard and often break if you don't dress them first. i found this out the hard way. you want to be sure to use locktite when installing the screws so they don't back out and fall into the engine.

i am replacing the 2 barrel on my 72 burb (has a 307 that will eventually be replaced by a 406sbc) with a reman'd 85 q-jet. i bought an edelbrock performer intake (idle-5500rpm range) and also putting in a brand new 4 row radiator at the same time replace the 2 row unit. the intake is an older one but was never installed and looks beautiful in the original box. i will be reinstalling the petronix equipped original distributor and using the huge air cleaner box off my dad's 84 burb (need to get it blasted and powder coated). i was going to use the q-jet off his truck (had it on that 406) but i realized i am short on time with all the other projects needed to be done on the truck before she starts hauling the vintage family camper in a couple months (71 holiday trav'ler 23 footer that weighs 6,000 lbs loaded). i figure the q-jet will get me slightly better fuel mileage AND more performance than that rochester 2 barrel could ever hope to do.

Last edited by capev86; 03-25-2010 at 06:52 PM.
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