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Old 03-25-2010, 10:47 PM   #11
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Re: Quadra-Jet Question? Help Please!

People make fun of Q-Jets because they're more complicated and they don't know how to work on them. If you've got your idle mixture screws turned all the way in, somethings wrong, it shouldn't idle that way. You are cutting off all the air and fuel at idle. When you are off idle they have no effect at all. If it's idling in this position you have to have a vacuum leak. Doe's the truck idle rough? hesitate under partial acceleration? I assume not since you said it runs good. Thats a mystery in itself.

As far as your rich running situation, two things jump to mind. Your float level is too high, or there is trash in your needle and seat. Both of these could be causing raw fuel to drip from the boosters at normal driving speeds.

Let the truck idle normally and look in the top of the carb. Look for drips of fuel falling from the boosters. (look all around those round things sticking out in the middle).

check your timming. make sure your good there. you could also switch to a hotter spark plug. you'll be suprized how many times a bad carb. turns out to be an ignition problem
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