Thread: 4l80e swap?
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Old 03-28-2010, 11:57 AM   #4
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Re: 4l80e swap?

There are a few aftermarket cross members out there ranging in price from $70.00 to $270.00 they are all basically the same part give or take powder coating, painted or raw. Thing is all those that I have seen are advertised as being for a TH350, TH400 or 700-R4 none of them are specific for a 4l80e, or 4l60e.
Also the tranny mount itself is a different piece for a TH's and a 4L's, I think one is two bolts to the tranny and the other one bolt to the tranny?
Anyone else out there having done this conversion with an aftermarket x member what did you use and what was the solution?
"The Great State of Florida"
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