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Old 04-08-2010, 07:29 PM   #8
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Re: Clutch Head Screws

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena View Post
Have any of you guys had luck buying a clutch head screwdriver locally; meaning NOT having to order one through Chev's of the 40's or Jim Carter's?

I tried to take my center headliner structural cross bow off last night only to find I needed a clutch headed screwdriver. Of course I couldn't SEE that I needed one until I took off the over-the-door and over-the-windshield triem first. On those I have shiny new zinc Phillips head screws. I tried using a small flat blade screwdriver in the opening at an angle - and just managed to EFF up the edge of the blade!

I know better than to try my local Sears for a Craftsman one. They MAY make them, but my Sears has northing but standard stuff, and little of it at that.
I have found that most of the time the screwdrivers are a waste of time. Ok for installing but not removing unless you have a gorilla grip you can't hold on. I use sockets from snapon. (about $12.00 each)you can mail order them.
Northern tools has a complete kit with just about any tip known to man if you want less expensive

Last edited by mbgmike; 04-08-2010 at 07:32 PM.
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