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Old 04-19-2010, 11:30 AM   #13
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Re: Interior Carpet question.

That looks like a piece of carpet trim that you could get from any carpet layers supply house.
Since I'm kinda broke these days, I went a different route....

It's Elastomeric roof coating.....At $63 per five gallon bucket, it's far cheaper and fulfills the same spec as rhinoliner, linex, or lizardskin. The surface, cracks, seams, gaps, etc are filled and sealed with a flexible, paintable surface that will not scratch, gouge or peel. Hopefully, it will deaden sound and heat as Lizard Skin advertizes their product to do. I used what was left over after doing the decking on my car trailer top and bottom and still have a bit left. The camo is to keep the floors from looking dirty after some use.
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