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Old 04-23-2010, 07:22 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 94
New member needs help!!!

Hey guys, I bought a nice pair of bucket seats off ebay for my 71. I feel like I got a great deal at 202.50 and he charged me 100.00 to ship them. Well, he sends me an email saying he is having trouble shipping them now. That seemed awfully cheap for ups shipping on something that big. Can you guys give me any help on who to use for shipping from Oregon to Dallas. I already bought new seat covers for them now (I know I jumped the gun on that, my stupid fault). I don't feel like its my problem he misquoted shipping, but I really want the seats. Just don't want to pay another 100.00 in shipping on them.
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