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Old 04-25-2010, 01:56 AM   #73
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Re: 71 c10 Dropmembered Driver

Update time! I'm getting close to finally getting the truck back on the road!!
I still need to finish putting glass in , building door panels, and a few more odd and ends but its all most there.
I changed the grille to a 69-70 because I think it looks a little cleaner. I still need to make the filler for the center to cover up marker light holes and I'm going to powder it black to tie it all together.
The blue steering wheel will be going away soon. I built a new insert for the gauges to get rid of the center hole and I built a cup holder to hold the occasional adult beverage.
The firebird marker lights worked out pretty well. I smoked the lights to make them look the same color when the are off. I would suggest adding some more clearance to the bezels if anyone else tries this because all the clearcoat makes thing a little tight.
Hopefully the 20's and 22's will be here soon cause these 15's are killing me.
I also will be changing the mirror heads on the stock mirrors to round ones, I'm not a big fan of the rectangles. I will post pics of how I do it, I'm not sure if anyone has tried it yet on theses trucks.
Anyway thats enough of me rambling let me know what you think!
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High Octane Hotrods

71 C10 Bagged work in progress driver
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Last edited by 5windowpickup; 04-25-2010 at 11:47 PM.
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