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Old 04-27-2010, 12:24 AM   #6
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Re: Anyone got a link to info on a 230/250/292 install?

If you are running a standard trans and use the cast iron V8 bellhousing (55--???) it allows you to mount the bellhousing to the stock crossmember and that will locate the engine quite well. From there it is level the engine and either build or install new side mounts. Someone on here showed some nice mounts that they built that come straight out from the side of the block and use a biscuit style rubber mount. Very clean and simple.
The side mounts I currently have on the 250 in the 48 are such a scabbed up mess that I wouldn't show them to anyone even as a bad example. But that was a go from a bare frame to a driving truck in two weeks deal and it was supposed to come back apart a couple of months later and that was 21 years ago this August.

I dug in my pictures and here is a shot of a mount on a 250 (could be a 194 or 230) that someone posted on the net and I really liked.
Simple and clean and it uses a flathead Ford style motormount biscuit setup that is easy to get.

Note that on a 194/230/250 the motor mounts are straight across and the right side mount is behind the fuel pump. On a 292 they are staggered a bit and the mount is in front of the fuel pump.

Last edited by mr48chev; 04-27-2010 at 12:49 AM.
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