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Old 05-03-2010, 10:20 PM   #10
Boss Hogg
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Re: Angle grinder trouble

Originally Posted by heeroyue2002 View Post
Oh its not the cheaper one. They are like $90 and
i cant afford a new one since im trying to buy a tranny plus i have some debt im pretty much hoping someone can steer me in the directionnof what i need to check and replace. I did take it apart and i can see whats sparking but i dont know the cause.
Only one of mine might be considered a cheaper one, the Bosch was a sweet sale deal, the Metabo should be $120-$150, but it's knowing the right people(a supplier that used a new grinder for a demo show-nobody would buy it, so I offered $50 and got it)

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
with the aid of the instruction manual and parts list taking it apart you can have a look, it doesnt cost anything to do that and its already busted so you can either save it finish it off or it stays the same either way you have a chance to see how it works and gain some knowledge
Originally Posted by 100%Chevy View Post
Dewalt,Black and Decker and Craftsman are pretty much the same grinder.
Sounds like you need new brushes.
Take the grinder with it's part/serial number to the nearest dealer or wholesale house and ask for the brushes.
They're easy to change out.
Also,take a piece of fine emery cloth(180 grit)and clean the black carbon off the commutator.It's the part of the motor that the brushes ride on.
The black carbon and worn brushes cause a bad connection and will make it throw sparks.
Less than a $10.00 repair.
Since it's a cash flow issue, and if you have the time, these guys have the best advice.
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