Thread: A fair price???
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Old 05-22-2010, 03:57 PM   #3
1967 C10 SWB
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Re: A fair price???

Originally Posted by vectorit View Post
This question is pretty hard to answer.
The word "fair" is relative to who is spending the cash.
Old solid burbs and the price they carry is very regional.

So, the people in SoCal ideas of what he/she would drop on a solid old burb would be pretty different for the shopper in your region.

Best thing to do is just do some research, and be patient in your quest to find one is all I can say.

I realized that I was too vage after I typed it. Here is a little more to help narrow it down.

1.) Location: Atlanta, GA
2.) Condition "daily driver" to me, means no major rust (rocker panels and cab corners are to be expected). It must start every time and be able to get me to work and back every day (50 miles).
3.) 2 wheel drive
4.) I am not looking for a show truck. Just a good solid truck I can drive while I work on it.

I looked at your burb (I like it). What do you think it is "realisticly" worth?

This is the begining of "doing my research".

Thanks for the help.


Last edited by vexvader; 05-22-2010 at 04:01 PM.
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