Thread: A fair price???
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Old 05-22-2010, 04:46 PM   #4
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Re: A fair price???

I am in the Atlanta area myself and picked up a 70 GMC Burb a couple years ago. I actually found it out in New Mexico from a board member because you won't find very many nice suburbans in our area, much less in very good shape. This one was a two owner (1 owner for around 34 years) and the only rust I have found is in rockers and lower quarters. I had some shipping costs but I had about 5k in it when it made it to my driveway. I gave it the usual tune-up (plugs, wires, carb rebuild, some exhaust work) and she fires up everytime I turn the key. She still needs a good bit of work to get her roadworthy for everyday use around here (Atl traffic is rough on a rig).

Anyway if you have anymore questions just let me knw, hope this helps some.

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