Thread: Military Tires
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Old 05-25-2010, 10:08 AM   #1
"Hooked on Quack"
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Midlothian,TX
Posts: 154
Military Tires

OK got a quick question. Around here there are a million sets of military tires for sale. They mainly come in 2 flavors the 36x12.5 goodyears and the 37x12.5 goodyears. I have run the 36's before and while they are a hard tire and will last forever I am just not a huge fan of them. So I have been pricing several different tires.

Throw in this monkey wrench I found a set of old style aluminum slots in 8 lug which I really like issue being they are 16.5 and tires go for around $400 bucks each, while I can get the 37x12.5 military M/T's for about $300 a set.

My question is how well do the 37" version do on the road as far as handling and ride etc. Just trying to get some opinions on that version as I have never run them
Semper Fi,
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