Thread: A fair price???
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Old 05-28-2010, 08:12 AM   #9
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Re: A fair price???

Last year when I was considering assembling a K10 burb out of a 2wd body and a 4wd frame, one of the guys that sells on this board essentially tried to talk me out of doing a burb at all. His rationale as a guy who buys and sells alot of 67-72 trucks was that the burbs are less valuable than pickups and harder and more expensive to restore. I was of course baffled--as most people on this board would be--because it was a suburban or nothing for me. I don't know how this line of thinking applies in the open market for trucks. Probably not to well, I would think.

My truck was $2800. It needs rocker repair--more than I would like--but the underside is basically perfect, which is critical, I think. The truck turned out not to be an original 4wd, which I didn't care about. But had I known initially, I could have probably used it for negotiating leverage, which is no doubt why the PO didn't mention it. The truck is a great driver although the engine is a little tired. It needs a throwout bearing which I figure got me a $500 discount (my wife didn't understand this. I invited her to help me change it, which she declined).

I think I got a good deal, but at the end of the day it all depends on you. It's worth what you're willing to pay. What is a decent driver, how much work do you want to do, etc. The body condition is the most critical, epecially the burb-only stuff, and especially the parts for which no patches exist. The floor section under the second seat that kicks up to meet the plywood, for one. Take this from a guy who has screwed this part up once already with these trucks. I can see that truck out the window right now disintegrating down to nothing.
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