Originally Posted by zac
Last year when I was considering assembling a K10 burb out of a 2wd body and a 4wd frame, one of the guys that sells on this board essentially tried to talk me out of doing a burb at all. His rationale as a guy who buys and sells alot of 67-72 trucks was that the burbs are less valuable than pickups and harder and more expensive to restore. I was of course baffled--as most people on this board would be--because it was a suburban or nothing for me. I don't know how this line of thinking applies in the open market for trucks. Probably not to well, I would think.
If I had a dollar for every time a restoration shop spoke to me like that while I was neck deep in my restoration project, I'd be a rich man by now.
My opinion of vendors that talk like that don't deserve my business, and speaks volumes to me about what they can actually do for me - Nothing...
It takes extra commitment to restore a Suburban, and when you are done that will show in the finished product.