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Old 05-31-2010, 01:46 PM   #5
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Re: grinding/scraping noise when I let off the gas

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That it happens when you let off the gas makes me suspect general drivetrain issues. It could be a rear bearing, but it could also be in the transmission or the universal joints or the hanger bearing if it has one.

I'd start by crawling under the truck and shaking things. If its that noisy it might very well move enough to make clear what is failing.

If that doesn't do it, carefully jack it up and block it so it can fall. Then crawl under and turn the drivetrain while listening for the source of the noise.

Since it happens when you let off the gas its something that is in compression and quieted when the power is applied. That should be the first clue to what it is.
I went under the truck and started shaking/turning the driveshaft in gear and in neutral. In neutral there is about 1/20th (said 1/4 originally, edited for accuracy) turn of play before the wheels being on the ground stops it, in gear there is maybe 1/100th of a turn of play (but it can be shifted slightly either direction so it's not at zero play). I put the rear end on jack stands and ran the truck in forward and reverse and didn't get any noise at all (braking didn't induce the noise either). I also turned both rear wheels by hand with the truck in neutral and only heard a slight scraping noise in the driver's side rear which I am thinking may be a sticking brake shoe.

Further thoughts? I can take video of anything that might help diagnose it if that would be useful.


Last edited by alden; 05-31-2010 at 02:11 PM.
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