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Old 06-04-2010, 08:42 PM   #19
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Re: Went to the drive in tonight (PICS)

There use be one north of Sikeston, Missouri we use to go to when I was a teenager.
I don't know when it closed because it was still open when I left for the military in 1964.

When we lived in the San Fransico Bay Area in the 70's we went to a few in that area, can't remember when they closed though.

When we were raising a family it was a cheap way to take the kids to the movies and if they got tired they could go to sleep, then we had a station wagon.

'67 Chevy C-20 short stepper - build complete, 454/SM-465.
'75 C-30 Single Cab DRW-350 small block/NP-435.
'77 GMC-6500 Dump Truck, 427 Tall Deck.
'92 GMC K-3500 Duallie, 454/4L80E.
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