Re: At my wit's end
Ok... tomorrow I pick up another caliper to replace the one that is "bad".
A few things though that were brought up:
-They are power brakes, factory installed
-Yes, the piston will compress (with a c-clamp), but as soon as I press the brakes, they drag again.
-The bleed screws are on the top
-The brake hoses are new, and so are not twisted
-I actually have too much freeplay in the brake pedal, besides, that wouldn't cause just one wheel to drag
After I replace this caliper, again, it will be #3 on that side. I just find it kind of odd that the old caliper, and the new caliper, were both dragging. I mean seriously, what are the odds?
Luckily it is covered by warranty, so it will only cost me some time to switch it out, and not money.
"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters." Ghengis Khan