Originally Posted by N2TRUX
Once you have everything cleaned properly, spend some time with a scotchbrite pad scuffing the surfaces down. DO NOT use flat black paint as it is very prone to turn chalky, show finger prints, stain from oil spills, etc.
I suggest "satin" black. It has a slight sheen to it that is not as porous as flat black. It will give a fresh clean look that look that will endure well. Take your time and mask everything that you don't want painted. For those hard to mask parts, you can use aluminum foil to wrap it with.
This is what a combo of satin and gloss paint looks like.

woahhh WAY nice!
what kinda motor is that?looks pretty dam killer man.
i was thinkin that i could do like a high heat engine black and then do a few coats of high heat engine clear?
ive done that on some of my dirtbikes fenders(old yamaha metal fendered dirtbike) and worked great,wont scratch for $h*t